Etiqueta "Imran Ahmad"

  • The Dead (English)

    The Dead (English)

    por Rubén Franco | 30 abril, 2012 | AnálisisOtros

    For many years, we have been attending to a terror and horror festival about zombie genre including, of course, infected people. Even literature has been nourished by this boom, with such eccentric and odd things like a zombie version of Pride and Prej…

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  • New Talents: Interview with Imran Ahmad

    New Talents: Interview with Imran Ahmad

    por Rubén Franco | 30 abril, 2012 | EspecialesEntrevistas

    ESTA ENTREVISTA TAMBIÉN ESTÁ TRADUCIDA AL ESPAÑOL… ¡Léela! Hi Imran! First of all, Asturscore want to thank your kindness for allowing us to “steal” your time for this interview. And now, the questions: 1) What’s your first memory about music? The mome…

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  • Nuevos talentos: Entrevista a Imran Ahmad

    Nuevos talentos: Entrevista a Imran Ahmad

    por Rubén Franco | 29 abril, 2012 | EspecialesEntrevistas

    THIS INTERVIEW IS ALSO FEATURED IN ENGLISH… Check it out! Hola Imran. Lo primero de todo, Asturscore desea agradecerte tu amabilidad al permitirnos robarte un poco de tu tiempo para esta entrevista. Y ahora, las preguntas; 1) ¿Cual es tu primer recuerd…

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