Masterclass de Marco Werba en el Conservatorio Franz Schubert
El prestigioso Conservatorio Franz Schubert de Viena (Austria) acogerá una Masterclass sobre Composición de Música para películas a cargo del compositor Marco Werba el proximo viernes 28 de junio.
Antes de comenzar la Masterclass, los estudiantes deberán componer para un fragmento de película asignada, para el cual tendrá que escribir y sincronizar una música específica. Y finalazada la misma todos los participantes recibirán un certificado del Conservatorio Franz Schubert.
El programa será el siguiente:
1) Introduction
2) Pragmatic functions of Music in films
3) The working method
4) The collaboration with the director and the producer
5) The coexistence between dialogues, music and sound effects
6) The various schools of thought
7) Analysis of cinematographic music (viewing of scores and discussion of synchronism)
8) The “Silence”
9) Electronic music and sound effects
(Examples of orchestral simulations with various sampled sound libraries)
10) Music against the image (the use by contrast of a musical comment)
11) Diegetic and extra diegetic music
– Does film music has an independent life?
– Should the music in the movies be heard or should it be in the background?
– Does film music has an independent life?
– The «soundtracks» recording market
– Can film music be integrated into a composition for the concert hall?
– The realization of «music demos» – Definitive or temporary music?
12) The Music style
(John Barry, Ennio Morricone, Georges Delerue and Francis Lai as examples of composers with a personal style)
13) The orchestration of the score (The composers who use orchestrators and those who write the complete score)
14) Analysis of the works written by students
15) All participants will receive a Certificate from the Franz Schubert Conservatory.
El precio de las Masterclass serán de 250€ y 150€ y para más información podéis visitar la web del Conservatorio Franz Schubert.